Monday, October 24, 2011

Another Reason...

...why I heart San Francisco:

Oh, werd, that's right! It's avocado time! On my toast, my english muffins, on some greens, mix it up with some watermelon and some cilantro w/ a little bit of chopped mint... shoot, just eat it with a spoon! This price makes a lot possible and makes happiness.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Yesterday the Ecstasy sculpture in the park at Hayes and Octavia was taken down. I came across her laying on a truck, with her hair neatly tied back, to return to her home in an Oakland warehouse.

October 2011

Hopefully the residents of Hayes Valley will agree on something equally beautiful to replace it.

April 2010

Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's in the Ride

Remember your first bike? Your first skateboard? Your first car? Ahhh. The amazing sense of freedom it provided, a means to escape, something to love and to care for. I remember back in the day, my friend Ben had this rad Crown Vic that looked just like the one below except it was blue. Cruising around in that boat was a pretty awesome feeling. Like we were royalty or something. The car took up so much space where ever we went it was like it demanded a sense of respect.There was no way I could have driven that thing around without causing some damage somewhere, so I did have great respect for Ben and his sweet LTD.

SF is full of oldies but goodies as far as cars and bikes are concerned. What's your favorite? What did you recently see that sparked some nostalgia? Take a pic with your phone and share with us!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Getting in early on flaunting their fancy five-dollar-a-month debit accounts.

Friday, October 7, 2011

These shoes rock

Let's face it, shoes are often the iconic symbol of a fashion era... and these Reboks are a reminder of the colorful 80's "anything goes" styles that were short-lived, but long remembered. Are the 80's back? I think they've been back for a while. San Francisco is kinda like the 80s in that anything seems to go here as far as style is concerned (and some other things). It's pretty rad to see young high school hipsters fearless when it comes to representing through style.

Also, don't ever forget about this video: omg shoes

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Approaching Sunset

Sometimes you go looking for a nice sunset and the moon steals the show.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Heads Down, Thumbs Up (in other words, signs of a successful evening)

I'm not sure if this picture really exemplifies anything that is specific to living in San Francisco, other than the fact that this guy was craaaaaazy successful with the ladies that night, and he didn't even have to lift a finger (sound familiar?). Apparently passing out on the bar at a masquerade ball--while still managing to stand up--solidifies your status as a badass pro-drinker extraordinaire (sound familiar too?). Or rather, it's the tried-and-true thirty-something's way of defying gravity: just pump yourself full of bad cocktails before the price goes up at 10pm, dress up like The Phantom of the Opera and work your magic until you're kissing the maple like there is no tomorrow (I'm sensing a pattern here...). No doubt this guy was grateful for the offer to take a seat by the time I took this shot.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's Summer in the City

Finally, the warmth is drawing us outside! Out in the sun, onto the beach and in the parks. Ahhh, I can't wait until my neighbors crank open the fire hydrants!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Celestial Alignment

At the risk of breaking the rules, my first post is a photo of  another place. I spent a weekend away exploring Seattle and Portland for the first time, which are known to share some of the traits I like about San Francisco. I found this to be partially true, but the trip reaffirmed that I'm living in the right city. Despite taking in some great scenery in the Pacific Northwest, I spent the flight home yesterday morning looking forward to being back home in SF.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Contributor!

I'd super excited to welcome Sam Prest to the Normal crew. His photography is thoughtful, admirable, and incredible, always impressive and thought evoking. So stoked that you are going to share your amazing stuff with us here! Welcome, Sam!

Some favorites from Sam's past:

Birds of a feather hang together...

bike bath!

Kesl makes a friend


Gosh, he has so many it was hard to pick just a few. Welcome, Sam! Post your heart out! We're excited to have you join us!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mist and Fog

An early morning in SF offers a couple things. Calmness is my favorite. Fog is there, too, usually. And that mist that gently covers everything just until it warms up enough to make it all disappear.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Good Ending

On Google+, a co-worker and friend of mine proudly posted a picture of his new bike, affectionately named "Gunther II". Below is the photo posted on August 6th...

Sadly, on the 24th this update was posted: "Well, Gunther II, you were good while you lasted. You had a good life until you were stolen from my hallway. RIP."

Responses ensued, starting off angry and ready to break some knee caps and then growing into a rally of helpful suggestions and hopeful possibilities. One was the link to a craigslist post with a picture that looked a lot like our friend Gunther II... A phone call and a drive to the South Bay later, Gunther II was back home. The young man who posted the ad wasn't home, but his mother was. She approved a test ride of the bike and off to San Francisco it went. With receipts and matching serial numbers, there's not much the thief can do on this one. Congrats, this is a rare and happy ending!

going home, August 27th

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fog City

I think the fog had a little bit too much hustle today. It cloaked our city pretty quickly. Isn't SF summer supposed to be here by now? Soon? 
photo by KJ

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bush Man

Something happened to this tree...

...and I think the sacrifice was worth it...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

We travel like this..

Getting away now and again helps us to maintain that sense of admiration for SF as well as our general sanity while feeding the need to travel and check out cool shit. My darling coauthor is on such an excursion right now. Where? Why the mountains of Wyoming with a crew of Llamas, of course! Enjoy, Beth, say hi to this guy for me:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Favorite Bar Art: #1

A refreshing romantic era-styled piece that evokes feelings of... excitement! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Early Morning Walks with KJ

"You know you want one..."

thanks to KJ for the pic ;)

Bay to Breakers, May of 2011

All the festivals, food music and otherwise, really keep us busy here in the city. I know that it was a couple months ago, but this is one of my favorites... marking the beginning of the summer, it is a footrace from the bay-side of the city to the ocean (7.25 miles, roughly). I've run the race seriously for the past three years, always making my way backwards to the mayhem and partying that follows the (somewhat) serious runners. This year was the 100th anniversary of the race and rumor has that it may be the last, but I don't believe a bit of that hogwash. Here is a video I took at the very edge of the panhandle at around noon (I think?!). My blog coauthor Beth and I ran the race in 1:15:26 (according to my watch, which was stopped during my port-a-potty break at mile 5). Here we are relishing in our accomplishment and enjoying the day with our neighbors.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Great Deal: Blind Cat (formerly Dirty Thieves)

$7 for a tall PBR and shot of whiskey during Happy Hour (4-7pm). Let bartender Casey hook you up!

PS. Their amazing whiskey selection should make you smile.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Signs of a nomadic city

I've long theorized that San Francisco is home to a disproportionately high number of non-native inhabitants (no, I don't mean plants -- the Bay Area is one of the top 25 biological hotspots in the world so consider that myth debunked). I myself am a non-native, and I can also say that I've embodied another tried and true San Francisco lifestyle of nomadism, sans the Kerouac-inspired beat poetry, bad jazz and orgy-rific tendencies of course.

On average, I've moved to a new place in a new neighborhood every year and a half -- making me a modern day nomad of sorts. Maybe it would've been better to just pop a tipi in an empty lot like this guy did and call it a day? I mean, free to move about, no utility bills and all the perks you could want, including eavesdropping from curious onlookers like me...can't beat that, can you?

Monday, June 27, 2011

An inspirational "freak" of sorts

Living in San Francisco the last 5 years has given me the chance to meet a lot of interesting characters. Some in drag. Some with subversive political agendas. And some with inspirational stories like Jason Tanko. The husband of Clare, my manager at my first job that brought me to the Bay Area, Jason is a true testament to the innovative kind of person that this city attracts. He turned his unique passion for street lighting into a thriving business, all the while re-purposing pieces of Americana to create an environmentally friendly solution that lights up the streets of our communities.

If there's anything to say about never listening to the word no and finding out a way to follow your quirky passion -- just like many San Franciscans do -- then this story is it. Enjoy the interview with Jason. (Video courtesy of Layaco Media, a local San Francisco production company).

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sun is back to the city

Ahh, at last our amazing city is getting to enjoy the summer sun! You know the stuff, the warmth that makes girlies put on their dresses, the best excuse ever to skip outta work a bit early and head to Dolores Park with something cold to sip, finally busting out that SPF 50 that you bought like three years ago, opening the window at night and appreciating the cold breeze that (hopefully) flows in... it's time to get to enjoy each other in all the fabulous outdoor spots in this city... the parks, beaches, grassy hills, outdoor patios, front stoops... this photo is at Ocean Beach, a place under appreciated by me (but I'm working on it!). Where's you favorite summer spot to lay around on a blanket (or not) and waste some time in the best way possible? Reply!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hail to the poo

The last sunny Sunday that I spend calling the Castro home, and this is what I get as a goodbye? It's only fitting -- the flag must be at half mast in mourning. Or maybe it's me who's in mourning...I sure am going to miss those giant macaroons from Hot Cookie (you know which ones I'm talking about), the endless supply of lube and condoms, and the late night drunken domestic disputes below my window. Hell, I'll even miss the sea of middle-aged nudists on display in Harvey Milk Plaza from time to time. The Castro has been a colorful home to me the last year and a half. When I leave with my Uhaul truck in tow, I'll imagine Dorothy in drag as she waves goodbye, standing tall in her size 12 red rhinestone pumps and singing, "There's no place like home [especially in the Castro]!"

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ways to beat the rain

Don't have a seatpost fender to protect your hip cycling ass from the rain? That could be a problem... what an embarrassment to show up at $1 Hamm's night with the crew when you've got mud-speckles up your back. Follow this person's lead and make your own damn fender.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Let's face it, we all feel a bit torn sometimes. A bit fragmented. Or maybe we just feel like shredding.

No Johnny fuck-up

Overheard at El Farolito last night: "Yo, I'm no Johnny fuck-up, but man... yeah, that was totally my fault. I should probably apologize or something."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tiny wheels, big everything else

Why? Because that's how we roll on Carnaval weekend. The weather was great, which was just simply lucky because it has been raining ever since. The crowds represented, the Impalas coasted by, and the cerveza was flowing. An entire neighborhood celebrated together, 'cause that's how we do it. Oh, and before and during the celebrations, I took part in a Bloodymarathon throughout the neighborhood with Sam P. and a really rad crew from MissionMission. Tums were not included.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's pretty much my favorite animal

Nothing beats anonymity than wearing a liger suit at a show in San Francisco. Our beloved city is the be-all and end-all haven for misfits like this. You know... those kids who were obviously bred for their skills in magic. Where the hell else can you drink a trendy PBR and showcase your nunchuck skills, and still live to tell the tale? Only in this flippin' sweet city, if you ask me.

School's out for the summer

Kids in SF don't get bored. They find cool shit to do. Sitting around on a curb-kicked couch sounds pretty awesome, right? These kids think so.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dolores Days

I heart Dolores... the construction this summer shouldn't keep many of us away... today's rain certainly didn't.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Christ Died for our....

.....Dunkin' Donuts? Seriously, you East Coast transplants (namely you New Yorkers and Bostonians who grew up with crap coffee and think it's actually good and can't stop raving about how amazing it is), did you really have to bring your Dunkin' rants with you, all the way out to SF? We overly-educated atheist Left Coasters with a lot of free time on our hands and who like to take hours to sip our fair trade organic shade grown low impact ultra complex super roasted coffee DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT.

Except for when it's a seriously awesome photo statement like this one. Ironically, it was on the barista's counter at Blue Bottle in the Dogpatch. Nice.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

School is out

The seniors at Balboa had to pull the traditional senior prank and I think this is the best one yet. They collected construction signs and placed them along the street in front of the school where staff and students park (no parking lot at Balboa). Hardly a car dared to park even though where the construction date was written on the signs, the students wrote in "Seniors 2011!" Clever! The next day they put the signs in front the school to show their satisfaction with the job. Congratulations, graduates!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday is for fixing cars

working on it

Warm fire for some

Dinner at Hillstone on Saturday night was pretty delicious. We almost ate outside near the fire-pit, but the cold wind seemed to be preventing anyone from sitting out there. I still had a pretty good view of the fire from my warm cozy spot inside and I noticed that people couldn't help but let it catch their gaze and turn their heads as they passed it. One group decided to pause to appreciate it or maybe just warm up. While they gathered around it, the fire abruptly went out causing the group to carry on. After they walked away and were out of sight, the fire turned back on again. Huh?

lonely fire

the fire posed with me