Thursday, July 28, 2011

Early Morning Walks with KJ

"You know you want one..."

thanks to KJ for the pic ;)

Bay to Breakers, May of 2011

All the festivals, food music and otherwise, really keep us busy here in the city. I know that it was a couple months ago, but this is one of my favorites... marking the beginning of the summer, it is a footrace from the bay-side of the city to the ocean (7.25 miles, roughly). I've run the race seriously for the past three years, always making my way backwards to the mayhem and partying that follows the (somewhat) serious runners. This year was the 100th anniversary of the race and rumor has that it may be the last, but I don't believe a bit of that hogwash. Here is a video I took at the very edge of the panhandle at around noon (I think?!). My blog coauthor Beth and I ran the race in 1:15:26 (according to my watch, which was stopped during my port-a-potty break at mile 5). Here we are relishing in our accomplishment and enjoying the day with our neighbors.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Great Deal: Blind Cat (formerly Dirty Thieves)

$7 for a tall PBR and shot of whiskey during Happy Hour (4-7pm). Let bartender Casey hook you up!

PS. Their amazing whiskey selection should make you smile.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Signs of a nomadic city

I've long theorized that San Francisco is home to a disproportionately high number of non-native inhabitants (no, I don't mean plants -- the Bay Area is one of the top 25 biological hotspots in the world so consider that myth debunked). I myself am a non-native, and I can also say that I've embodied another tried and true San Francisco lifestyle of nomadism, sans the Kerouac-inspired beat poetry, bad jazz and orgy-rific tendencies of course.

On average, I've moved to a new place in a new neighborhood every year and a half -- making me a modern day nomad of sorts. Maybe it would've been better to just pop a tipi in an empty lot like this guy did and call it a day? I mean, free to move about, no utility bills and all the perks you could want, including eavesdropping from curious onlookers like me...can't beat that, can you?