Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Good Ending

On Google+, a co-worker and friend of mine proudly posted a picture of his new bike, affectionately named "Gunther II". Below is the photo posted on August 6th...

Sadly, on the 24th this update was posted: "Well, Gunther II, you were good while you lasted. You had a good life until you were stolen from my hallway. RIP."

Responses ensued, starting off angry and ready to break some knee caps and then growing into a rally of helpful suggestions and hopeful possibilities. One was the link to a craigslist post with a picture that looked a lot like our friend Gunther II... A phone call and a drive to the South Bay later, Gunther II was back home. The young man who posted the ad wasn't home, but his mother was. She approved a test ride of the bike and off to San Francisco it went. With receipts and matching serial numbers, there's not much the thief can do on this one. Congrats, this is a rare and happy ending!

going home, August 27th

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fog City

I think the fog had a little bit too much hustle today. It cloaked our city pretty quickly. Isn't SF summer supposed to be here by now? Soon? 
photo by KJ

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bush Man

Something happened to this tree...

...and I think the sacrifice was worth it...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

We travel like this..

Getting away now and again helps us to maintain that sense of admiration for SF as well as our general sanity while feeding the need to travel and check out cool shit. My darling coauthor is on such an excursion right now. Where? Why the mountains of Wyoming with a crew of Llamas, of course! Enjoy, Beth, say hi to this guy for me:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Favorite Bar Art: #1

A refreshing romantic era-styled piece that evokes feelings of... excitement!