I'm not sure if this picture really exemplifies anything that is specific to living in San Francisco, other than the fact that this guy was craaaaaazy successful with the ladies that night, and he didn't even have to lift a finger (sound familiar?). Apparently passing out on the bar at a masquerade ball--while still managing to stand up--solidifies your status as a badass pro-drinker extraordinaire (sound familiar too?). Or rather, it's the tried-and-true thirty-something's way of defying gravity: just pump yourself full of bad cocktails before the price goes up at 10pm, dress up like The Phantom of the Opera and work your magic until you're kissing the maple like there is no tomorrow (I'm sensing a pattern here...). No doubt this guy was grateful for the offer to take a seat by the time I took this shot.
Beth! We need to get you an i[hone simply for it's camera ;)